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First responders from several nearby towns coordinate to assist as many victims in as short a time as possible at a crisis drill.

Gun attacks are part of everyday life in the United States. But how can you prepare for such acts? Photographer Lindsay Morris accompanied children, teachers, and emergency services during a school exercise.

Waffengewalt in den USA – Wenn Schulkinder Amoklauf üben
lindsay morris
Feb 9, 2023
Schusswaffenangriffe gehören in den USA zum bitteren Alltag. Doch wie kann man sich auf solche Taten vorbereiten? Die Fotografin Lindsay Morris hat Kinder, Lehrer und Einsatzkräfte bei einer Schulübung begleitet.

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Lindsay Morris

Lindsay Morris is a photographer and co-producer of the 2016 BBC documentary, My Transgender Summer Camp. She's best known for documenting events in her personal life and surrounding communities.
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